
Sometimes change seems to come too fast
I hope the good things I have will last
But in a fraction of a second… a shift,
a rift, a new circumstance, and I am adrift

A decision affecting us who are feeble
can put everything in total upheaval
A major incident, accident or choice
and suddenly I have no longer have a voice

This is of course very unsettling
We long for stability, and not for meddling
We hope our plans will come to pass
and want all good things in life to last!

But change is constantly happening
our dreams and hopes often shattering.
No matter how hard to the present we cling
something new our tomorrow will bring

In this constant state of fluctuation
to lock ourselves in, is the temptation
Yet God might have something in mind
which we cannot yet see, for He is kind

Often, it’s only later that we will see
how loving He was trying to be
by removing us from present circumstance
to bring us to better new places, to dance

Oh Lord, when my life feels so fragile
remind me that with You I can be agile
for you are the Rock Eternal, unmoving
such a blissful thought! so soothing!

You turn utter chaos into beautiful order
all knowing, when my view is shorter
Though my circumstances change, You never do
oh Refuge, strengthen me through and through!

When upheaval comes my way
please help me to always say
“Blessed are you Lord, faithful and true”
…and to trust wholeheartedly in You.

© Lukas Westevy

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