
There are so many options,
but only one life
seemingly endless possibilities
but I want a happy wife.

Needs everywhere around the country
“which ones to help?” I ask myself
Poverty, hunger, lost souls a sundry
into answers for which should I delve?

We could live here; we could live there
God could use us anywhere
But is there a specific place
He wants to see our face?

Is it better to focus on one geographic region
or simultaneously try to combat the legion
in different places and different zones
even if that means having several “homes”?

God, I want to be useful to You and Your Kingdom
surrender to You, not build my own fiefdom
…to give all talents, possessions, and time to You
for Your use; to change my heart through and through

So show me Your will in Your time, I plead
take all of me, desires too, and take the lead
Make clear to me where to go, and what to do
and mold me more into Your image too.

© 2016 Lukas Westevy

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