
Change is difficult.
I grieve.
In order for the new to be possible,
the old must first die.

I must be willing to surrender
all those things I have clung to
the habits,
the things I ran to for comfort
the behaviors,
the places I went to be soothed
the things I did to seek relief, even though it was temporary
all must be let go…released

Letting go of the familiar is painful
it’s scary!
The way I used to do things
the way I used to think
Those must die

to make room for a new life
the new fruit that develops
from a new flower
that required the seed to split, and crack, and be broken

The old me, the false self,
the image I tried to portray and live up to
that too must break
be done away with
replaced with a new flower
that might someday yield fruit

And now I question
must each of my dreams go too?
was my motivation wrong for everything?
what might remain in the end?

God, my edges are still rough…sand me
the vessel of my soul is cracking…make me new
the thoughts in my mind are too often still wicked…renew my mind

Keep on keeping on transforming me…from the inside out
Help me to fully engage in this process of

© 2021 Lukas Westevy

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