At the moment I’m feeling quite unsettled
Life seemed fairly stable until Someone meddled
Things will no longer be the same
I may need to step up my game.
It’s a strange mixture of excitement
and trepidation, an indictment
of my deep longing for ongoing stability
and how I lack a certain calm ability…
to simply trust that God, my Rock, has all my life
gently held. Change should not be treated like a knife,
which, when I see it coming, leads to fear.
Remember I always must: God is very near.
No matter how unsettled I might feel today
He has a plan, a much, much better way
than I could even imagine, that He fashioned
…though it might not align with my passion.
And so I humbly come, willing to surrender all
My hopes and dreams, what I thought was His call,
and go wherever, do whatever, stay however long
for in fact it is to Him that I first belong!
Remember I must that it could also be,
that I’m called to let go of me, me, me
Instead of doing, doing, I might just need to BE
and remember the One who sets people free.
There’s no need to frantically work until I’m dead
to prove myself, find worth, or just get ahead
Instead I can rest in the goodness of God
for He is always faithful, never a fraud
Lord, when things unsettling into my life come
may I say “Your will be done”
may I with You be truly one
may I turn to You always, for victory’s won!
© 2023 Lukas Westevy