Big ocean
Gentle breeze
waves crashing into the sand
Obvious disparity
The wealthy riding in helicopters or four wheelers
the working poor cleaning up the dirty dishes.
A place to relax
human perfection sought
palm trees, green turf
fancy food
and yet…
no matter what the circumstances
there is still the void inside
I know God can fill it
I know He should
But will I let Him?
Vast ocean
Gentle breeze
a place of peace
…but also of turmoil.
Powerful waves one cannot reckon with
beauty, yet full of potential destruction
like other things in life that appear nice,
but actually destroy us.
I feel so privileged
I don’t deserve any of this
what a blessing to have family
and this beautiful location to use.
Like this place, outwardly it appears to have it all together
but in reality some things are missing
when you dig down
–same with me.
I’m grateful for my health
and the wealth entrusted to me.
I enjoy my family
and am blessed with a wife and children
so much to be thankful for!
Vast ocean
beautiful to watch on the outside
but deadly inside.
Only 1 in 1000 sea turtles might survive.
Huge ocean
seemingly idyllic
yet for many, a terror.
Powerful ocean
so full of force
Thank you God for this moment!
© 2021 Lukas Westevy