I don’t know what the future holds
but I know Whom I can trust.
Through trials my character He molds
Wholeheartedly trust Him, I must.
Uncertainty really isn’t very fun
I wonder how things will turn out.
Life’s wild adventure has begun
Perseverance is what it’s all about.
For trials lead to endurance
and endurance to character building
In tough times we have assurance,
as long as to God we are yielding.
But it’s hard to let go of things we love
of people, of situations, and of places
hard to fully surrender all gifts from above
and say goodbye to familiar faces.
Uncertainty is hard; we just don’t like it!
We think we would rather know the whole plan.
But there is One Who knows best, we cannot fight it,
He will be, He is, and He was before time began.
So, despite so much uncertainty all around me,
there is a great Way in which to cope
For God’s peace abounds; grace and love surround me
in Him I can place all my hope!
© 2024 Lukas Westevy