Forgive Me

Forgive me — I’ve failed You again today
Forgive me – I just don’t know what to say
Forgive me Lord and take away that sin
Forgive me – make clean and pure again.

Lord I come again to You
Brokenhearted through and through
For I’ve failed once more
Now I bow on this floor

Forgive me – for not trusting in You
For not claiming the victory I have in You
Forgive me Lord, forgive me
May I know that You have already set me free

Forgive me oh Lord that is what I pray
For to sin once again I did not say “nay”
I indulged, and then I suffered, for sin never satisfies
It’s deceiving … it’s a web full of lies

Forgive me – for I’ve failed to claim
The power – that I have now in Your name
Thanks to the blood that You shed
Redeeming me You said

Cleansing me, refreshing me
You poured it out so abundantly
Forgive me, oh Lord
Purify me, oh Lord
Transform me, oh Lord
—And forgive me

© 2001

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