Internal Battle

The battle wages on inside
of me there is a great divide
On this day, who will win?
Will I once again choose to sin?

Or will I choose to do what’s right
and my heavenly Father to delight?
It seems so contradictory
this winding life trajectory.

I know what I’m supposed to do
but I’m frequently tempted too!
I often make the wrong choice
despite the Spirit’s gentle voice…

that quiet whisper deep within
trying to keep me from choosing sin.
And yet temptation is so strong
and I choose to do what’s wrong.

Oh when will this battle cease?
within me, when will there be peace?
How I long for that great day
when in His presence I will stay…

when the battle within me will be no longer
freed from sin’s presence I’ll feel stronger;
when pain and sadness will disappear
and to God’s presence I will be near!

Oh what a wonderful day that will be
when from sin’s presence I’ll finally be free!
–when the battle within me comes to an end
and I get to be with Jesus, my best friend!

But for now as this sin battle wages on
I can still sing a victorious song
for from sin’s power I’ve been set free
thanks to King Jesus, who died for me!

When the battle inside me is getting heated
remind me I already have all that’s needed;
for to sin I am no longer a slave;
I don’t have to be strong or brave

Victory does not come from efforts of mine
but rather through power from the Divine
only through Him can I sin overcome
for the war has already been won!

The battle within me continues for now
but someday will end. Before Him I’ll bow.
Hallelujah! what a glorious thought!
Victory for me Jesus has already bought!

© Lukas Westevy

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