Oh brain, it’s time to retrain
to leave old ways behind
to stop going back again and again
it’s time to show you’re a new mind
Years of sinful thoughts
putrid, though we “ought not”
became the default pattern
as if thoughts didn’t matter
But they do. They change us.
And the way we see and treat others
Repeatedly thinking them makes us
see them as less than humans. It bothers.
You can change. That’s the good news!
Those old ruts that were so deep
can be replaced with healthier views!
Sin doesn’t have to dwell, to seep.
He who made us, brain included
is able to change us, and us renew
no bad thought must be excluded
every single one that must–can be made new
Catch each thought! Replace the ones you must
with better, wholesome ones. You’ll see
Neuroplasticity at work. Old ways going bust.
A whole, new person you will be!
© Lukas Westevy 2022