One lonely star is in the sky today In a small nook, isolated I say One source of light amidst the nebulous surrounding Shining brightly for all to see—but almost drowning It’s one small speck pushed, tossed, bullied by darkness But bright, resilient, strong, instilling great fondness One solitary luminary […]
Four Deer in a Field
Four deer in a field under the moonlit sky Peacefully grazing, watching the night go by Slowly I approach, looking for something there A rustle in the brush, perhaps a fox or a hare… Quietly walking, with each step drawing near To the beauty gently resting — soon ridden with […]
Beautiful Killer
A pretty purple flower – so deceivingly beautiful Thin green leaves intertwined—a crush of death Below the soil surface parasitic roots Grasping, clutching, sucking the nutrients—and life The leaves of its host – grain for daily food Yellowing, sapped of strength Meant to feed a family That may now go […]
A Rock in the Road
The path of life seemed straight Then suddenly A curve. A bump. A dip. A challenge A rock… Or is it a boulder? An opportunity to learn. A test of character Something to make me appreciate the flat spots in the road Confusion. Disillusion. Resentment. Disappointment. Trials. Troubles Why is […]
A Bird in the Sky
Beautiful sunshine, a lovely stream, blue sky a seemingly idyllic setting, majestic and wide —but in reality a dark hellish nightmare inside The sun is setting Not a cloud in the sky One lone bird flies by Periodic squawks Flapping wings Yet God loves the way it sings One lone […]
A Beetle in a Mushroom
I sat on a log in the woods To sit, to rest, to gaze A time to gather thoughts and calm my moods To see the purple sunset when I lifted my face The gentle breeze rustled softly through the trees The insects praised the Lord in a thousand ways […]
Life and Wishes
It seems I got up on the wrong side of bed today I was frustrated, angry, and impatient — and didn’t want to stay In the Word of my Father who blesses me so … and much to my dismay I didn’t even want … to pray. I’ve failed Him, […]
Silver Taps
I hear the footsteps get softer and softer until there are no more to be heard The taps have been played, shots shot from the rifle There is only rustling in the trees of a bird People turn, walk quietly away, Some stay behind and for the families pray Fathers, […]