The weather outside is full of gloom as I sit alone, in this hotel room It’s nice to finally have a day off! the schedule recently has been a bit rough– Working every weekend for various reasons I’m thankful it’s not always like that, just some seasons I tried to […]
Wandering in the Desert-Where is God?
I wander in the desert. Where is God? It’s hot, and dry…where is God? I thirst, there is no water…where is God? Day after day I put one foot in front of another All that remains are footprints in the sand behind me. Soon the wind blows, a storm comes…and […]
The Current
The current is strong. The river is wide. But there is an island. The waters rush by It seems I’ll never get to the other side But the Rock is there. I launch out My raft small and rickety Hoping to get across. I paddle and work I struggle and […]
Mighty Ocean
Mighty Ocean Consistent Wind Palm branches wave …worshiping God. Waves crash, like life sometimes Large expanse…like the depth of my sin …or the breadth of His grace. Birds hunt, poor creatures in the sand are soon to be picked Sand, numerous like people…yet God cares for each one Relax, the […]
Glorious Falls
Mighty waters rush makes one want to hush at the majesty, the greatness, the unbelievable How such a peaceful-looking river suddenly drops immensely, down, down, seemingly forever into the turbulent pit! Such quantities of water, appear to be eternal but in just a few months they will be gone leaving […]
Lakeside Thoughts
Sunlight. Clouds. A gentle breeze … a soft wind. The waves go slowly to the seashore. Alone I sit, contemplating, meditating, wondering, wishing… God. Love. Faithfulness. Oh, the beauty of nature: the blue mountains, sun rays shining through the clouds. A Father, a Giver, a Life Fulfiller. His radiance fills […]
Escaping as Coping
When things are tough I just want to escape It seems I never get enough of what I want, despite my full plate. Rather than tackle the root it’s easier to just try to soothe. I open my mouth, insert foot chaos ensues, and it’s not smooth. At times, life […]
At the moment I’m feeling quite unsettled Life seemed fairly stable until Someone meddled Things will no longer be the same I may need to step up my game. It’s a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation, an indictment of my deep longing for ongoing stability and how I lack […]
How Long?
It seems the day might never come. How much longer must I continue to wait? I keep hoping, longing, wondering if some day it will occur—if I can pass through the gate. But perhaps I won’t be able to. Perhaps this current reality is here to stay. Maybe instead of […]
Change is difficult. I grieve. In order for the new to be possible, the old must first die. I must be willing to surrender all those things I have clung to the habits, the things I ran to for comfort the behaviors, the places I went to be soothed the […]