Speaking softly, saints surround Sorrowful sounds, someone’s spent Soundly sleeping — sad surprise Sobering slow serpentine Sinful, selfish situations Spirits, sex, stuff Squabbles, serial simulations Satisfaction … so sadly slight Surreptitious stealth Slick skewing, sloth Sly salutations, sordid speaking Squalid stench, significance searching Sirens’ screeching sound Serious surmising “So-long someone” […]
God, or I?
Sometimes God feels far, far away I wonder where He went Even if I loudly cry It seems there’s no one there I try to talk to Him, but words are empty I read His Word, but it seems dry “What’s happening?” I wonder “Where did God go?” Over time […]
What Good Does it Do?
What good does it do to be a man who Gets medals and prizes, fame and awards? What good is it to have power, money, and cars To eat all I want, move up in the world, reach for the stars? … if in me there is no love for […]
His Grace
His grace incredibly surreal, Daily given, some days I feel It so much more as I reflect on life, my sin, cause to reject. And yet, instead His arms extend No matter what, one cannot bend The love so mercifully abounding From the Father—simply astounding! Despite my awful sin, He […]
I’m lost … in a dark narrow valley I hear … rustling noises behind me Quickly I turn, but there is nothing to see Darkness … looms all around me. My spirit is torn, oh what shall I do? These creatures try to pull me down But God is my […]
How beautiful is the Lord! His creation is just a small sign of His awesomeness! How I want to praise His holy name forever! Oh, how good He is to me! His never ending love provides me with all that I need … and even more. I trust in Him […]
They come when you least expect them, caused by a great moment of turmoil, a sad event, or an ecstatic thrill. Sometimes they come after long moments of sitting quietly in nature. If they are not recorded immediately, they seldom return.
This site hosts a collection of poems, song lyrics, thoughts, and other items–truth that may not come out in everyday conversation