Check out the new song about how good God is at
Lord, We Give You Glory
Check out the song at
Morning Burst
Check out a new video with instrumental music and pictures from nature at
Glorious and Wonderful King
Glorious and Wonderful King! I lift you up and praise your holy NameTo give you all my honor and to sing How great in all the earth is your fame Mighty and Wondrous Lord! To you I want to lift my voice today Surrendering my all to the power of […]
Forgive Me
Forgive me — I’ve failed You again today Forgive me – I just don’t know what to say Forgive me Lord and take away that sin Forgive me – make clean and pure again. Lord I come again to You Brokenhearted through and through For I’ve failed once more Now […]
I don’t know what the future holds but I know Whom I can trust. Through trials my character He molds Wholeheartedly trust Him, I must. Uncertainty really isn’t very fun I wonder how things will turn out. Life’s wild adventure has begun Perseverance is what it’s all about. For trials […]
Longing to Love
I long to love you but don’t know quite how It seems the harder a try the more damage it does Drawing close to you actually pushes you away …slowly we are drifting apart. I want to be closer to you to share life’s moments each day But instead we […]
I Want To Cry
I want to cry but no tears come A new season has begun and yet I keep wanting to cling to the past, hoping that the good aspects of it will last. I feel that lump in my throat and hope that I can stay afloat. I know that crying […]
Shattered Dreams for my Daughter
I watch my daughter strugglenearly fully grown,yet crawling on the floorjust to get to the toilet,or a classroomexhausted after only a few minutes on her feetwith the support of crutches or a parent’s arm The vibrant individualismThe joyful dancing aroundnot caring what others might thinkall temporarily suspended or is it […]
Grateful for this Visit
I’m grateful for this time I’ve hadit has been really great, not badso wonderful the kids to seeand with my wife in person to be I enjoyed the early morning walksso that we could have uninterrupted talksAfter the bad storms on Friday, which delayed my flightthe weather has been gorgeous, […]