Oh Fishing Line, why are you so terribly tangled?
Wouldn’t you rather be in the pond, and dangle?
So that I might possibly catch something?
Instead, I must sit here, catching nothing
As I try to unravel the terrible knot
I have one recurring thought
Oh Fishing Line you are like sin,
“So easily entangles us” within
It’s so easy to get into a knot, a predicament
no matter what our upbringing or temperament
But trying to untangle is a whole other matter
nearly impossible, like climbing a broken ladder
For hours I tried to untangle you, oh Line
even though I am surely not divine
Using every ion of my human intelligence,
for hours I worked, without any negligence
I tried this, and I tried that, but all to no avail
The knot undoing attempt was doomed to fail
Hour after hour I hoped my efforts would succeed
but they did not, despite my valiancy indeed
Finally there was no alternative, no further hope
this tangle needed outside intervention, no joke
The scissors did cut you, oh Line greatly reduced
But free from the knot that kept you from use
Oh Fishing Line you are so very much like me
from our knots of sin unable to set ourselves free
We require Someone to intervene
Like in Jesus’ love we have seen
Only He can free us from the knots that entangle us
Only He can set us free from the sin within us
Trying to do it ourselves, despite hours of travail
will certainly, always, inevitably fail
© Lukas Westevy