I think about the future all the time but often at the expense of the present Blessings innumerable are currently mine, Though not every one of them is pleasant Am I missing out on the now, as I sojourn, Always focused on what is next coming? Letting this moment pass […]
Brain Retrain
Oh brain, it’s time to retrainto leave old ways behindto stop going back again and againit’s time to show you’re a new mind Years of sinful thoughtsputrid, though we “ought not”became the default patternas if thoughts didn’t matter But they do. They change us.And the way we see and treat […]
Fishing Line and Sin
Oh Fishing Line, why are you so terribly tangled? Wouldn’t you rather be in the pond, and dangle? So that I might possibly catch something? Instead, I must sit here, catching nothing As I try to unravel the terrible knot I have one recurring thought Oh Fishing Line you are […]
As I’m turning 46 today I’m taking time to think and pray Looking up to the clear, blue sky I wonder: “Is life passing me by?” No, life is busy, always full too much at times, but never dull In all my toil, have I done enough? Reflected Jesus, when […]
My Rock
Oh God you are my Rock! When everything around is unsettling when changes seem never ending I can stand firmly on You. You do not change or move even when things are not smooth I can remain confidently on You. When strong storms of life abound when it seems things […]
Rest Day
The weather outside is full of gloom as I sit alone, in this hotel room It’s nice to finally have a day off! the schedule recently has been a bit rough– Working every weekend for various reasons I’m thankful it’s not always like that, just some seasons I tried to […]
The Squirrel and Change
The squirrel seemed disturbed that I had come.Perhaps he thought this was his land, and not mineTrue, he has been here longer than I have, but stillI paid money for this place, bought it, and willby God’s grace someday develop it, for His glory. The squirrel chirped excitedly and made […]
Sitting in the forest, oh so refreshing! Sounds of nature, praising God, what a blessing! Air so pure, plants diverse, all shapes and sizes yet each one made unique, my simple brain surmises. Birds of different kinds singing melodious tunes Kaleidoscope of colors adorning ornate plumes Small trees, slender, climbing […]
Turtle Breath
Sitting in the woods peaceful breeze blows through the trees above in a place I love. Birds chirp delightfully praising God so fully the pond straight ahead on a trunk I rest my head. A tiny face appears mosquitos buzzing in my ears behind it a dark rump shhhhhhhh…don’t jump! […]